Illegal Foreclosures
Folks there are just so many issues anymore. We can think well "I live on this little islan with my 2.5 kids and spouse and soccer/football games. We need to educate ourselves, our friends, families and our public servants (ie sheriff, district attorney's , magistrates etc) that the world banksters are really trying to steal our last bread crumbs...I say we MUST educate everyone..please people it could be your home next.
Homes that were paid for in cash buy the homeowners
URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)// ... or/1072632Please sheriffs of the counties ..please understand this when you are presented with this fraudulent scam....AND... please do NOT serve any type of papers on the honest citizens of the United States! Please serve and protect the AMERICAN PEOPLE not THE FOREIGN BANKSTERS!
My Fellow Americans....we have to educate everyone ,so we can take back MAIN STREET from the theives across the world on WALL STREET.
do you want your children to have a chance at the American Dream? The Chinese are living better than most Americans in many provences in China ,,not all,,, but many places in China it looks like the united states post WW2 ...first hand accts have explained this to me.
We need to educate, work, pray and believe that real change for the better will happen if we just make it so.
take care