To those that monitor Radiation:
In the college, state or pro level....
There is an American born scientist currently in Hong Kong( Yoichi Shimatsu)
that last night stated that over the last 7 days the Jet Stream is such that all the different radioactive isotopes that travel have been in the jetstream will land most likely from Southern ALberta, to the BASE of the Applicahican Mountain Chain!...That is us.
It will be in the FOOD CHAIN right now and worse. It will concentrate in exposed cattle and all products from cattle. And I want you to DEMAND of your government SERVANTS (not officials) that they work, do the job that get the big pensions for and tell us DAILY LEVELS found in the air and food products. and prove it. Pa is one of the BIGGEST milk producers.
URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)// ... r_embeddedRemember illuminati.....the RADIOACTIVE RAIN FALLS ON YOU AND YOURS TOO!