URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)//rt.com/shows/documentary/194476-us-fracking-harm-environment/
Wow 30 years ago it was all about Russian Aggression in Afghanistan, and Tim Osman and the Mujahadeen. And the "Evil Empire" and how Nuclear war launched by the Russians would kill us all.
Now I watch a world renowned News Organization based out of MOSCOW, RUSSIA, and what do I see?
And what is the story about? THE TRUTH.....whaaaaaaaat? Oh how the world has changed.
Gov. Corbett? even with VOTE RIGGING, you won't win . But i'll BET had you have assessed the "FRACKERS" WITH THE SAME AMOUNT OF TAXES AS YOU LEVIED AGAINST THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA with the GASOLINE TAX AND INCREASE IN AUTO REGISTRATION FEES THIS last winter to pay for the roads (actually the pension pyramid scheme and other nefarious expenditures)
YOU WOULD HAVE WON THE ELECTION. A "sharing of the state's mineral wealth, even on something symbolic and to and extent, pragmatically, the citizens would have "felt" like you were trying to govern in as fair a manner as possible.
However , not gonna happen. You "sould" 99% of the Commonwealth's citizens down the Monongahela! You get a cushy job somewhere, the citizens will continue to U 238 water from their wells.
And Russia and President Putin, thank you for coming to Pennsylvania, and telling the TRUTH to the citizens of our state. Something our local (controlled) media would NEVER EVER DO.
It is true, HISTORY, if you live long enough repeats itself. Only the players names change, yet the game, has ALWAYS been the same.
PS Herald Standard? Where is your article covering this story? You would happen to be bought and paid for now would you? COS , in all my years, there is only about ONE organization that can maintain that level of control over the populace. I didn't agree with Voltaire's religious beliefs but some of his political views were downright dead on.