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 Post subject: Agenda 21 policies seep into local school districts
PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:46 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 761
" are more cunning..I am 47 years of age. When I went to school or you all that are my age....remember that one or 2 kids in your class that missed 30 or more days a year, and nothing ever seemed to happen to them or their parents. Well there are many things other than medical reasons that allowed that to happen.

What I want to expose is Fayette county school districts that are using Agenda21 tactics to EXTORT MONEY from citizens that WORK for a living. In the big picture the end result of Agenda 21 is to get YOU into the SYSTEM the "justice system" so "THEY" can EXTORT cash! from the few working people there are.

It was school lunch money a few years ago. NOW its new "games".

For example, a parent gets a summons to appear at a district magistrate for attendance of their child or should I say lack of school attendance. 7 days missed when six is the limit. However the school says only 2 excuses for the 7 days were received by the school. According to the school policy unexcused is when no excuse is received by the school and after "x" amount of days ( x varies due to various districts, their policies, and the state statutes on truancy).

Yes it can be confusing yet here is the issue, the school can say they never received the excuses. The "attendance scumbag" oh excuse me..."officer" ha ha is in cahootz with the district magistrate to extort money from families that work for every dime to survive.

No way to "fight the system" their word against ours.....blame the student....blame the parent.....


the OFFICIALS would never do anything wrong no of course not.

People with school board elections coming up make sure you take the time to ACTUALLY QUESTION those you elect....the dumbest thing you can do is ELECT the ones who have the BIGGEST BRIGHTEST SIGNS WITH THEIR NAMES IN HUGE LETTERS.....usually on LAWNS of their MASON buddies.

and the cycle continues "THEY" will come after YOU next! it will start with a late bill for 10 bucks for whatever then it gets worse......see get 2 in a row and you have gone from an UPSTANDING AMERICAN CITIZEN to a "habitual offender"!!!

anyone else see a pattern here? AMERICAN CITIZENS are under attack. Mostly from people are that have LOWER IQ'S than you. They are given a little power and ABUSE THAT POWER to further weaken this country.

Use the power of the ballot box while we still have it. We have so many senor citizens in this county. They were able to grow and raise their children before this turned into the rust belt.

Dear senor citizen what about those of us that are raising kids or grandkids? will you just ELECT THE NAMES IN BIG LETTERS ON THE LAWNS or will YOU elect those that best REPRESENT THE KIND OF EDUCATION WE WANT for our children the kind of education your children had.

No crooked new world order policies with criminals in key about electing those that will SERVE the citizens ...AMERICAN CITIZENS of Fayette county Pennsylvania.....and doing what is BEST for citizens and not the scumbags that force "COLOR OF LAW" policies as state statues.


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