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 Post subject: Old "folks" and those under 25 a perspective
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:00 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 760
I wonder

Is THE WORLD really this screwed up? Is it because I live here is heavily OLD SCHOOL part of Pennsylvania and there are still many of the "norms" I learned 50 years ago as a kid and just DON"T see it in most everyday people?

Well with the ILLEGAL IMPORTING of those from overseas and MUCH MUCH worse than the 1965 immigration act many of the old school will find out...and soon.

NO COUNTRY has ever go to the LEFT this far and survived long. And the perpetrators usually OVER TIME will as the saying goes, "every dog has their day"

I won't be here to see it most likely. But I can ASSURE YOU if your under 40 you will. This country in its present form will not survive and those of you that "go along to get along" well, study what happened in SE ASIA.

History repeats itself or at a minimum RHYMES. Since the beginning of time. To believe we have overcome the past is PURE folly.

Looking back over a lifetime it has been a privilege to live here DURING THE TIME FRAME i did. Had the ability to grasp history and Anthropology all at the same time. Maybe that is what we all do.

Some of us also were able to do sorta of OK , others not so much and some didn't make it at all. There in, is life, I guess.

The kids under 25 hopefully will find a way to survive cos us "old folks" have BEEN THERE and done that.

God Bless!

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