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 Post subject: Reagan Advisor WORLD BETTER if RUSSIA, US had GOOD relations
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 7:10 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 761
Ex-Reagan Adviser: World Would Be Living More Peacefully if Russia and US Had Good Relations,

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SO MUCH has happened in the last 150 years since people came HERE from the "front lands" of Russia now called UKRAINE.

Fighting amongst most of those people is like THE CIVIL war was here .

TRUMP wanted a good relationship with RUSSIA and President Putin however that notion was quickly subverted and twisted into "RUSSIA GATE" that has now been FULLY PROVEN as complete FABRICATION for political gain.

The european "energy crises" is looming and OUR ENERGY COSTS are going up stupid

for what reason when PRESIDENT TRUMP has us energy independant and NORD STREAM 2 was stopped just it was about to start transporting Natural Gas to Europe?


power and money most likely but whose money and what POWER play?

who knows

but the excitement in the fall of 2016 when President Putin was in New York for his UN speech and the "talk" was an "impromptu" metting with candidate TRUMP at the time.

Much hope then for a BETTER WORLD but alas here we are again with the NUCLEAR "option" swirling about usually every MONDAY afternoon news cycle just to yell booga booga for "giggles"

If it dont happen in another 10 to 15 years most alive will not have a CLUEas to the HORRORS of what a nuclear bombs can do and the IDIOCRACY just might "get stupid"....and try

all for what?

money and power yeah yeah we know


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