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Internet is going through a transformation.thanks Bilderberg
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Author:  MIKEFROMUNIONTOWN [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Internet is going through a transformation.thanks Bilderberg

Hey all

What will happen when infowars.com and other alternative media are blocked by google and other CENSORSHIP models? Ok maybe most of you are not reading those sites but what about drudgereport.com?

Folks today there is news leaking that part of the Bilderberg agenda involved shutting down the free flow of information on the web. There are sites blocked in China with the secret help of google personnel. Also there are algorythms that are being implemented to shut down practically everything that critizes government. It about to go big here in the United States. Cloud computing even with all the good things it can do will cripple the free flow of information.

Also here is the FBI able to give even more powers to search without a warrant. The 4th amendment is dead.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers

URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)//www.infowars.com/fbi-power-to-sn ... ded-again/

Guys we need to backup and keep on media like dvd, sd, external hard drives and even paper...remember that?

This free exchange of ideas are coming to and end...those ideas especially that expose the corruption of the rich elite scum.....and there are some right here in our little county.

Always remember this we outnumber them...when the tyranny gets so bad and its almost there we have the power to change things with our vote.

tell eveybody about infowars.com and other sites that bring the truth to the people!

and Tell folks to come to Uniontown.com and talk marc is a good guy and has hosted this site for as long as I can remember and allows the free exchange of idea...everything that a democratic form of government needs to survive and thrive.

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