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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:29 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 758
Ok He just released the filing this afternoon and the part about Pennsylvania and the allegations pasted here.

There is no doubt if MANY minds the election was STOLEN from President Trump and our state was one of the MAJOR if the the most major "actors" (to use Commonwealth Legalese).

I am not holding on to some belief that President Trump will be reinstated. Not at all. However just like many we still will TRY to make sure elections have a chance of being honest IN THE FUTURE. Now in the spring primary this year there were some precincts that didn't count ..didn't MACHINE count a single REPUBILICAN vote but did count Dem votes. Let's just say I have that on extremely reliable evidence Yet we were ASSURED by the MEDIA that ALL OUR VOTES WERE COUNTED after the polls closed. :roll:

And with the GROSS AMOUNT OF MONOPOLY money floating around and being used to GREASE the wheels of players, a truly honest count may never occur or if it does so much Weimar and MORE damage will be done the count won't matter.

Myself I am only posting the points made for discussion and the fact tha in theory at least there still is a FIRST AMENDMENT of free speech and the right to assemble.

CENSORSHIP on the big platforms is rampant and sites like this can be a great place to discuss "verboten" issues.

It was ONE year ago when this country's future hung in the balance. ONE PENNSYLVANIA JUDGE , did what she could and it lasted for the THANKSGIVING holiday before being OVERTURNED BY THE STATE SUPREME COURT..... One person can make a difference even if its only for a few days.

well here is Mr Lindell's supreme court filing the sections that apply to Pennsylvania:

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s electoral
votes were unlawfully certified and counted.
140. Pennsylvania has 20 electoral votes,
with a statewide vote tally of 3,377,654 for Mr. Trump
and 3,458,229 for Mr. Biden, a margin of 80,575 votes.
141. The number of illegal votes and votes
affected by the various constitutional violations far
exceeds the margin of votes separating the
1. Pennsylvania’s voter registration
system can be easily hacked and
142. Pennsylvania is one of a handful of
states that allow third party entities some type of
access to voter registration systems via an application
programming interface (“API”). Most states and most
countries prohibit access to sensitive election data but
mysteriously added to the SURE system and
backdated shortly before the November 2020 election.
145. Specifically, the SURE system includes a
unique ID number for each registered voter. That
number is proceeded by a hyphenated county code.
The February 1, 2021, voter roll (the “Full Voter
Export” or “FVE”) contains 74,090 voters with the
associated unique ID that have a registration date of
April 6, 2020, or earlier—55,823 of these voters are
recorded as having voted in 2020. However, the FVE
dated April 6, 2020, has no record of these voters—
meaning these purported 74,090 voters were
inexplicably added to the SURE system and increased
the voting population in the months leading up to the
November 2020 election. These are not inactive
voters. Inactive records are in the FVE and would
have shown up in the April 6, 2020, FVE had they
2. Pennsylvania’s final results show
49,141 more votes than voters and the
Secretary of State unlawfully
certified the Pennsylvania election
146. Secretary Boockvar certified the election
results on November 24, 2020. However, the SURE
system, the official registrar of votes pursuant to 25
PA. STAT. § 1222, reflected that there were a whopping
784,752 more votes than voters.
147. Pennsylvania law expressly prohibits
certifying until after the investigation of an over-vote:
If . . . it shall appear that the total vote
returned for any candidate or candidates for
the same office or nomination . . . exceeds the
total number of persons who voted in said
election district or the total number of
ballots cast therein . . . such excess shall be
deemed a discrepancy and palpable error,
and shall be investigated by the return
board, and no votes shall be recorded from
such district until such investigation shall
be had . . . .
25 PA. STAT. § 3154 (emphasis added).
148. No investigation of the 784,752 votes
before certification, as required under 25 PA. STAT. §
3154, was undertaken.
149. On December 28, 2020, Boockvar tried
to excuse the massive number of extra votes compared
to the number of voters—still over 205,000 as of that
date—by issuing a press release stating “[a]t this
time, there are still a few counties that have not
completed uploading their vote histories to the SURE
150. However, as of February 1, 2021, all
Pennsylvania counties closed out their elections in the
SURE system—meaning all counties had completed
updating the voter information for the November 2020
election. The SURE system reflects that there are still
49,141 more ballots cast included in the certified vote
tally, than there were voters in the November 2020
election. No explanation for this gross discrepancy has
ever been given by the State.
151. As stated above, Boockvar’s excuse that
not all counties had finished uploading their results to
the SURE system is now moot. That leaves the fact
that there are at least 49,141 more confirmed votes
than voters demonstrating the stark illegality of the
Pennsylvania election.
152. In Philadelphia County alone, 792 out of
1703 precincts (also called “districts”) had more votes
for President than voters who participated in the
election. Those 792 precincts had a total of 346,484
votes for President. In those 792 precincts, Biden
received 286,014 votes and Trump received 57,253
votes, for a net margin of 228,761 votes for Biden.
Under 25 PA. STAT. § 3154, “no votes shall be recorded
from such district until such investigation shall be
had . . . .” No investigation into these discrepancies
has been conducted.
153. Biden’s margin of 228,761 votes in those
762 precincts, none of which should have been
recorded, far exceeds his margin of victory in
154. In Alleghany County, 767 out of 1,323
precincts had more votes for President than voters
who participated in the election. In those 767
precincts, Biden received 246,446 votes and Trump
received 153,060 votes, for a net margin of 93,386
votes for Biden—which alone exceeds Biden’s margin
of victory. Combined with Philadelphia County, Biden
received 322,147 more votes than Trump. 25 PA. STAT.
§ 3154 prohibited from being counted until these
discrepancies were resolved. Boockvar’s certification
of the vote 24, 2020 violated 25 PA. STAT. § 3154, and
is therefore void.
3. Pennsylvania misled this Court and
continued to illegally count tens of
thousands of ballots received after
November 3, 2020.
155. On September 17, 2020, the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court voted 4-3 that all mailin ballots postmarked by 8:00 on Election Day, and
received by 5:00 p.m. November 6, 2020, even those
lacking a postmark or bearing an illegible postmark,
would be counted. Pennsylvania Democratic Party v.
Boockvar, 238 A.3d 345 (Pa. 2020).
156. On October 19, 2020, this Court split 4-4
on whether to stay that decision by Pennsylvania
Supreme Court leaving that unconstitutional decision
to stand.
157. After Justice Barrett’s confirmation, the
Republican Party sought expedited relief to resolve
this issue before the November 2020 election. On
October 28, 2020, in a classic bait and switch,
Pennsylvania used guidance from its Secretary of
State that Pennsylvania would segregate potentially
unlawful ballots to argue that this Court should not
expedite review. See Republican Party of Pa. v.
Boockvar, 141 S. Ct. 1, 2 (2020) (“we have been
informed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General that
the Secretary of the Commonwealth issued guidance
today directing county boards of elections to segregate
[late-arriving] ballots”) (Alito, J., concurring) The
Court would reasonably rely on such a representation.
158. Before the ink was dry on that decision,
however, Pennsylvania changed that guidance,
breaking the State’s promise to this Court. On
November 6, 2020, Justice Alito ordered all county
boards of election to comply with the guidance “that
all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on
November 3 be segregated and . . . if counted, be
counted separately.” Republican Party v. Boockvar,
208 L.Ed.2d 293, 294 (U.S. 2020) (“The application
received today also informs the Court that neither the
applicant nor the Secretary has been able to verify
that all boards are complying with the Secretary’s
guidance, which, it is alleged, is not legally binding on
them.”) (Alito, J., Circuit Justice).
159. Before Justice Alito’s order dated
November 6, 2020, Pennsylvania illegally counted at
least 61,855 illegal ballots which were received after
the statutory 8:00 pm November 3, 2020, deadline by
virtue of the fact that Pennsylvania did not segregate
those ballots. The Department of State’s records
reflect that: 50,285 ballots were received between
November 4 through November 6, 2020; 11,570 ballots
were received between November 7 through
November 11, 2020; and 10,038 were received after
November 11, 2020. Pennsylvania was still counting
ballots after November 17, 2020.15
160. Secretary Boockvar claimed that only
about 10,000 ballots were counted after 8 p.m. on
November 3, thereby admitting ballots were illegally
counted, but she offered no proof that only 10,000
ballots were illegally counted.
15 URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (https:)// (last visited Nov. 23, 2021)
4. The Pennsylvania Secretary of State
unconstitutionally threw out state
election integrity laws governing
mail-in ballots.
161. In 2016, Pennsylvania received 266,208
mail-in ballots; 2,534 of them were rejected (.95%).
However, in 2020, Pennsylvania received 2,623,867
mail-in ballots—nearly 10 times the number of mailin ballots compared to 2016. Despite this flood of
ballots, the reported rejection rate was just 1.3% with
just 34,171 ballots rejected.17 As explained below, this
vastly larger volume of mail-in ballots was treated in
an unconstitutionally modified manner that included:
(1) doing away with the Pennsylvania’s signature
verification requirements; and (2) blocking poll
watchers in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties in
violation of State law.
162. The blatant disregard of statutory law
renders all mail-in ballots constitutionally tainted
and should not have formed the basis for appointing
or certifying Pennsylvania’s presidential electors to
the Electoral College.
163. Specifically, Pennsylvania’s thenSecretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, without
legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated several
Pennsylvania statutes requiring signature
verification for absentee or mail-in ballots.
16 U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Report to Congress,
Election Administration and Voting Survey: 2016 Comprehensive
Report, at 24 (2017).
17 U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Report to Congress
Election Administration and Voting Survey: 2020
Comprehensive Report, at 36 (2021).
Pennsylvania’s legislature has not ratified these
changes, and the legislation did not include a
severability clause.
164. On August 7, 2020, the League of Women
Voters of Pennsylvania and others filed a complaint
against Secretary Boockvar and other local election
officials, seeking “a declaratory judgment that
Pennsylvania existing signature verification
procedures for mail-in voting” were unlawful for a
number of reasons. League of Women Voters of
Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, No. 2:20-cv-03850-PBT,
(E.D. Pa. Aug. 7, 2020).
165. The Pennsylvania Department of State
quickly settled with the plaintiffs, issuing revised
guidance on September 11, 2020, stating in relevant
part: “The Pennsylvania Election Code does not
authorize the county board of elections to set aside
returned absentee or mail-in ballots based solely on
signature analysis by the county board of elections.”
166. The Pennsylvania Department of State’s
guidance directly contradicted Pennsylvania law.
First, Pennsylvania Election Code mandates that, for
non-disabled and non-military voters, all applications
for an absentee or mail-in ballot “shall be signed by
the applicant.” 25 PA. STAT. §§ 3146.2(d) & 3150.12(c).
Second, Pennsylvania’s voter signature verification
requirements are expressly set forth at 25 PA. STAT.
350(a.3)(1)-(2) and § 3146.8(g)(3)-(7).
167. The Pennsylvania Department of State’s
guidance unconstitutionally did away with
Pennsylvania’s statutory signature verification
requirements. Approximately 70% of the requests for
absentee ballots were from Democrats and 25% from
Republicans. Thus, this unconstitutional abrogation
of state election law greatly inured to Mr. Biden’s
168. In addition, in 2019, Pennsylvania’s
legislature enacted bipartisan election reforms, 2019
Pa. Legis. Serv. Act 2019-77, that set inter alia a
deadline of 8:00 p.m. on election day for a county
board of elections to receive a mail-in ballot. 25 PA.
STAT. §§ 3146.6(c), 3150.16(c). Acting under a
generally worded clause that “Elections shall be free
and equal,” PA. CONST. art. I, § 5, cl. 1, a 4-3 majority
of Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court in Pa. Democratic
Party v. Boockvar, 238 A.3d 345 (Pa. 2020), extended
that deadline to three days after Election Day and
adopted a presumption that even non-postmarked
ballots were presumed timely.
169. Absentee and mail-in ballots in
Pennsylvania were thus evaluated under an illegal
standard regarding signature verification. It is now
impossible to determine which ballots were properly
cast and which ballots were not.
170. In addition, on December 4, 2020, fifteen
members of the Pennsylvania House of
Representatives led by Rep. Francis X. Ryan issued a
report to Congressman Scott Perry (the “Ryan
Report”) (Tab 16) stating that “[t]he general election
of 2020 in Pennsylvania was fraught with
inconsistencies, documented irregularities and
improprieties associated with mail-in balloting, precanvassing, and canvassing that the reliability of the
mail-in votes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
is impossible to rely upon.”
171. The Ryan Report’s findings are startling,
• Ballots with NO MAILED date. That total is
• Ballots Returned on or BEFORE the Mailed
Date. That total is 58,221.
• Ballots Returned one day after Mailed Date.
That total is 51,200.
Id. at 5.
172. These nonsensical numbers alone total
118,426 ballots and exceed Mr. Biden’s margin of
80,555 votes over Mr. Trump. But these discrepancies
pale in comparison to the discrepancies in
Pennsylvania’s reported data concerning the number
of mail-in ballots distributed to the populace—now no
longer subject to legislatively mandated signature verification requirements.
173. These stunning figures illustrate the
out-of-control nature of Pennsylvania’s mail-in
balloting scheme. Democrats submitted mail-in
ballots at more than two times the rate of


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