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 Post subject: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 2:08 am 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 761
I always loved talk radio since I was a kid listening to Larry King on the Mutual Broadcasting system. Anyway about 10 years ago I was listening to KDKA overnight and I think the host said one night to a caller; " I don't want to hear any of that conspiracy theory talk" Honestly never up to that point really understood it. Well with the advent of the net I began to study and found the theories interesting.

Anyway this week over in Athens Greece, there is a meeting of the worlds supposed powerful people. A group called the Bilderbergers(URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)// Last year,Obama and Hillary Clinton supposedly attended the meeting (It was in Chantilly , Va then).

Our national media the CNN, MSNBC types don't cover this. Yet this year our Sec of the Treasury is supposed to be there, Mr. Geithner.

Does anyone here in fayette county study this type of information as a hobby? I think is would be hard for a small group to actually control the world , however it seems that they can make decisions that affect policies of governments that can affect little ole us here.

I sometimes wonder if all the jobs back in the early 80's that went to Japan and Korea (steel etc) had stayed HERE and Sony was still a Chrysler Plant producing AMERICAN CARS AND TRUCKS paying union wages ...would all these dealerships need to close? And Fisher Body was still stamping steel for GM vehicles, and Columbia gas was a local company and not owned by creative accounting people in Indiana(and Chicago Ill) and the big paychecks were being paid to our residents ..would the dealerships be closing?

If the people we elected would actually read things like NAFTA, GATT AND WHAT IS THE WTO and not the dollar amounts on the "persuation instruments" would the dealerships need to close?

Does anyone WHO CAN CHANGE THINGS actually care anymore? Do all the soldiers of WWI, WWII etc all die in vain? Die for a WORLD GOVERNMENT? OR THE United States of AMERICA?

The Bible is true and maybe this is what has to happen but that still does not give us the right to kick our fellow fayette countians when they have already been battered after years of decline.

First step if you are even curious is learn. Find out what these things are: New World Order, One World Government, infowars, RFID chips and that is just the start.

or just flip over that dollar bill in your pocket and find out what the eye above the pyramid is all about. If nothing else what is happening in todays economy if nothingelse, is sure interesting.

just some crazy ideas from and old person

take care all :idea:

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2009 8:21 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:54 pm
Posts: 186
mcs7 wrote:
Anyway this week over in Athens Greece, there is a meeting of the worlds supposed powerful people. A group called the Bilderbergers(URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)// Last year,Obama and Hillary Clinton supposedly attended the meeting (It was in Chantilly , Va then).

Our national media the CNN, MSNBC types don't cover this. Yet this year our Sec of the Treasury is supposed to be there, Mr. Geithner.

Does anyone here in fayette county study this type of information as a hobby? I think is would be hard for a small group to actually control the world , however it seems that they can make decisions that affect policies of governments that can affect little ole us here.

I just checked that link on wikipedia, until you mentioned them I don't think I've ever heard of them. This looks very interesting, I am going to have to read up on this. If I had more time I'd love to get more into this type of stuff as a hobby.

mcs7 wrote:
I sometimes wonder if all the jobs back in the early 80's that went to Japan and Korea (steel etc) had stayed HERE and Sony was still a Chrysler Plant producing AMERICAN CARS AND TRUCKS paying union wages ...would all these dealerships need to close? And Fisher Body was still stamping steel for GM vehicles, and Columbia gas was a local company and not owned by creative accounting people in Indiana(and Chicago Ill) and the big paychecks were being paid to our residents ..would the dealerships be closing?

If the people we elected would actually read things like NAFTA, GATT AND WHAT IS THE WTO and not the dollar amounts on the "persuation instruments" would the dealerships need to close?

Does anyone WHO CAN CHANGE THINGS actually care anymore? Do all the soldiers of WWI, WWII etc all die in vain? Die for a WORLD GOVERNMENT? OR THE United States of AMERICA?

I think I posted this somewhere else on this website (or maybe it was another, not sure) but my belief is that the greedy sold our foundation and lifeblood to overseas countries. Fat cats here in the US made some serious coin by offloading labor overseas. China, Mexico, others are now making everything. So, that left the United States as being a "consumer society". A society that only "consumes" and never makes anything can't survive for long. In our case, the money was feeding on itself cyclically, and it took 20 years for this self-feeding bubble to pop.

It's my belief that a depression is on the way. We won't be whole again until we start making things like Cars, Televisions, Steel, or whatever. And, that won't happen until the offshore wages increase to make it less worthwhile to offload our labor, or our wages decrease enough to where offloading overseas isn't financially worth it. That's nowhere near happening yet, although China is making great strides.

RFID chips are scary. They have now RFID POWDER, it's I guess tiny RFID chips that can be dusted on clothing or whatever.

I have heard rumor that car tires have unique RFID chips in them, and this would allow anyone to track a vehicle by this signature, it can be read from a roadside with cars running past at 60mph.

We are just seeing the beginning of this sort of technology, it's a matter of time before it starts getting abused, and our freedoms are compromised.

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:14 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 761
It's my belief that a depression is on the way. We won't be whole again until we start making things like Cars, Televisions, Steel, or whatever. And, that won't happen until the offshore wages increase to make it less worthwhile to offload our labor, or our wages decrease enough to where offloading overseas isn't financially worth it. That's nowhere near happening yet, although China is making great strides.

I wholeheartedly agree Mark. Eveyone that will listen to me, I talk about how a country needs an industrial base to not only survive, but prosper.

It is hard for the average person to get their head around an idea that we in the United States may be being destroyed by design. It was hard for me at first but their is overwheming evidence that those at the top of the pyramid are calling the shots. And these decisions are destroying the United States as we know it.

I have a theory and its only a theory, but if you look at the people of Fayette County many years ago there were many hard working immigrants that made this country great. But the policy decisions over time have allowed us to decend to be the butt joke of the state of Pa. Its almost as if there something in the shots starting around the GENX group and beyond that has created a large group oif people that have no interest in caring for or advancing our fellow man in Fayette county.

I am not sure what actually happened but just look at life here in 1976-1978 then compare that to life here during 1983-1986 abd beyond....the clsoing of the majority of our mass industrial base had people lining up to wash dishes for minimum wages at Eatn Park when it opened in 1984

My point is proud hard working people who mostly paid cash for nice trucks and cars and worked hard now were fighting for the scraps We here in fayette county went through it first now some 25 years later other parts of the county are feeling the pain we did back then.

Our politicians have sold us out. If I were President I would phase in tariffs to balace the playing field. I just wonder if we still have enough scientists and engineers that would help us rebuild our industrial base. And I wonder if we here even have the mindset to work hard and make us a great society again... I don't know

There was time about 10 years ago were as a leader I saw that a group could accomplish great things WHEN thir minds were made up to do it


when those minds were corrupted with garbage that would take their focus off the mark. Aand then the original mission was lost and the goal was then out of reach.

We need to stay focused of creating change and then rebuilding.

We are not a one world order and one people. We are world of many SEPERATE nations doing what they do as part of the bigger picture.

People dont support the New World Order. For more information this webiste and links from it basically is the complete resource for all those who have "woke up" to what is happening and the efforts to keep the United State a seperation, soverign and free nation of FREE People.

If any of this is wrong or bad information I absolutely welcom your rebuke or admonishment and would glady be open to your thoughts and opinions

take care my fellow fayette Countians

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 2:10 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:54 pm
Posts: 186
Only have time for a quick reply, but this bilderberger thing was a story on Good Morning America this morning, so maybe it's getting a little more visibility in the press...?

They described it like a meeting of powerful people to discuss spending of large cash on poor and helping the world.

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:06 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:56 am
Posts: 3
You can find tons of stuff on this, so why did you have to lower yourself to linking an inforwars site supported by nutcase Alex Jones and his 9/11 conspiracies? The whole "one world gov't" thing is already happening in Europe and, economically, we already have it here with NAFTA. I've heard many people say that Obama is purposely ruining the American economy and driving up massive amounts of debt so that the dollar will lose value and the world will switch to a new currency. I hope he isn't that crazy, but his policies make me wonder. This one world gov't thing can certainly be defeated by our votes, but I think Americans are too apathetic to care about such a thing. We'll just vote for whoever promises us the most stuff and not be concerned about whose taxes will be raised to pay for it.

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:40 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:54 pm
Posts: 186
mattjd wrote:
The whole "one world gov't" thing is already happening in Europe and, economically, we already have it here with NAFTA. I've heard many people say that Obama is purposely ruining the American economy and driving up massive amounts of debt so that the dollar will lose value and the world will switch to a new currency. I hope he isn't that crazy, but his policies make me wonder. This one world gov't thing can certainly be defeated by our votes, but I think Americans are too apathetic to care about such a thing. We'll just vote for whoever promises us the most stuff and not be concerned about whose taxes will be raised to pay for it.

I agree that it looks like the world is looking to blend into one large economy, just like Europe did the Euro, almost like all the world leaders want there to be one global currency.

I don't which way is better to be honest.

I think the US is in trouble no matter which way it were to go. If we push towards keeping our economy independent, we will self destruct because we must have the cheap labor of other countries for our consumerism bubble to continue. If we push towards letting the world economies merge, then we will have the cheap labor in the short term and maybe we can make money taking advantage of that short term, but being a consumer economy it's a matter of time before the economies that "make things" catch up and surpass the economy that mostly just consumes (simple ant and grasshopper logic), where we will be then left playing catchup, and maybe we will be the cheap labor for a prospering China...?

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:51 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:54 pm
Posts: 186
mcs7 wrote:
Anyway this week over in Athens Greece, there is a meeting of the worlds supposed powerful people. A group called the Bilderbergers(URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)// Last year,Obama and Hillary Clinton supposedly attended the meeting (It was in Chantilly , Va then).

I think I saw on TV that one of the participants was Oprah, if that's true then this could not have been a meeting of powerful minds to make complicated political decisions, as I don't feel Oprah is capable of this. This meeting HAS to be a meeting to identify and work on poverty and other such issues.

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:21 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 761
mattjd wrote:
You can find tons of stuff on this, so why did you have to lower yourself to linking an inforwars site supported by nutcase Alex Jones and his 9/11 conspiracies? The whole "one world gov't" thing is already happening in Europe and, economically, we already have it here with NAFTA. I've heard many people say that Obama is purposely ruining the American economy and driving up massive amounts of debt so that the dollar will lose value and the world will switch to a new currency. I hope he isn't that crazy, but his policies make me wonder. This one world gov't thing can certainly be defeated by our votes, but I think Americans are too apathetic to care about such a thing. We'll just vote for whoever promises us the most stuff and not be concerned about whose taxes will be raised to pay for it.

Yes, I agree that Alex Jones can be a bit over the top but he does have quite a few guests on his show that are pretty level headed and contribute to the overall understanding of this one world government New World Order. More and more I think we need to educate our fellow neighbors of what may be happening and attack that apathy you mentioned that is hurting all of us.

We have to take care of our country and our citizens first or there won't be anything left to give and will have our hands out to the rest of the world. In some ways it had already begun, just look up the Joe-4-oil program. Oil given to American citizens by Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Yes it was political howeverI would much rather have these families working at our own factories manufacturing our own tv's toasters or high speed trains anything...we have the will and jsut need to make the way.

Take care

Ps on This memorial day remember all those that laid down their lives for THIS country and its citizens...remember they paid the ultimate sacrifice......but not for our politicians and others in power to sell us out.

 Post subject: Re: Conspiracy Theories as a hobby- Bilderbergers meet in Athens
PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:31 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 761
Creating a Central Bank of the World

and other topics at this years Bilderberger Conference

URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (http:)// ... l-economy/

Folks, I am not sure of the extent these people have actual power but alot of what they have agreed on in previous years meetings has happened. So when you read this, watch what happens over the next year or 2.

I am sure many here do not understand world politics and III know comparatively little..but what I can see with my own eyes and from my limited wxperience...the past 25 years here I am sure show an overall net loss(in standard of living)for most that live here..and If enough of us wake up and elect good people and not career crooks to political office we may have a chance to amke things better for more than just a few at the top of the pyramid.

take care all

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