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 Post subject: The Malay 17 shootdown and "logic" of the New World Order
PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:37 am 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 761
I was surprised at the number of Russian/Eastern European peoples that immigrated to our little corner of "paradise" from the late 1880's until World War 2.

I was lying in bed thinking of the tragedy yesterday.
I thought of the pain that the families of the victims are feeling.

Who could do such a thing? Who is so heartless and gutless so as to kill innocence.

Then I started thinking about 200+ dead Palestinians and 2000+ Palestinians injured and maimed. And how mad my church members would be at me if they knew I just wrote that. (on CNN Anthony Bourdain went to Israel and gaza and in his opening monologue said basically that BOTH SIDES would HATE him after the show aired. I think I know how he felt now)

Then I started pondering the thought of HOW CLOSE WE ARE TO WORLD WAR III! (Think archduke Ferdinand before WWI)

Did you know in Ukraine that the government was LEGALLY ELECTED and illegally OVERTHROWN with the help of COVERT assets from WESTERN COUNTRIES? It was partially done to EMBARRASS Putin during the Olympics but more importantly it was done to let the BRICS countries know the DOLLAR shall remain the worlds reserve currency and anyone challenging that WORLD POLICY shall be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

And all sorts of shenanigans have been occurring to the detriment of a good hardworking part of the world that is NOW BEING MANIPULATED FOR control and greed. Yeah yeah I know its "always been that way"....I know I know.

But hey, just for ONCE, Just one time, can the good guys win?

And I don't mean any race religion creed etc. etc. group...I mean some group that is just doing THE RIGHT THING BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!

So one of the FIRST THINGS I learned about a decade or so was


Who benefits?

Ok I asked a forum of Christian folks yesterday shortly after the news came out

How could Russia benefit from blowing up a commercial airliner packed full of vacation bound folks.

Nobody had a plausible answer. Russia doesn't have a reason to blow up a commercial airliner.

The "New" Ukrainian government? Maybe. THE IMF/WORLD BANK needs to get control of Ukraine to get their hooks into the Natural gas, Natural gas pipelines, all that fertile farmland (like the Midwest and plains here in the States) and all that interest on debt to collect.

The "old" Ukrainian government wanted and had a good relationship with Russia, but the "western" interesst along with the New world order interests (which increasingly are becoming more of "one and the same") made sure or are making sure Ukraine is joining the "club" (new world order). (I am 49 and will be lucky to see half a decade and I NEVER EVER EVER EVER thought I would live to see the BEACON OF FREEDOM AND CAPITALISM AND THE capital of communism toilet EXCHANGING PLACES!!!!!! :o


Now all we have are dead bodies, more endless conspiracy theories and the country that I love and have lived in accelerating towards a demise that does not have to be.

PS I did ask the GOOD LORD JESUS to get the TRUTH OUT BEYOND


Just to remind those souls that are remaining on this earth there is still I reason left to fight for





PPS... and my conspiracy theory is that "western interests" that are sympathetic to the NWO, ran a BLACK op with the "NEW" Ukrainian government to get the world to vilify Russia and Vladimir Putin in order to get complicity from Russia to force them into participating. Ezekiel 38: 3-4 seems to indicate that is what SHALL happen. :(

Not my will by THY WILL be done LORD JESUS THE CHRIST! AMEN.

ppps? You all remember 911 and the Somerset Crash site? And did any of you all see the pics of that crash site? Mal 17 was SIX MILES HIGH GOING 500MPH. Flight 93 was under 2 miles high not exceeding more than 300 mph.. On second thought, Physics was never an interesting subject for me.


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