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 Post subject: How The Big Banks Enslave Humanity
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:48 am 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 760
Mr. Greg Reese of Alex Jones/Infowars

just completed this vid and the TIMING couldn't be better.

URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (https:)//

USURY means most people pay 3-4 times for a m0rtgage. (death-grip) If you pay 1.5 times TOO BAD

The people with the "papers" and the "guns" will use their "official" power to collect to maintain order.

As citizens We really are (insert verb) to go along with some really "interesting" "processes".

Even as a kid I remember people paid CASH and might of had a "note" on the car. Many bought land and built a basement to live in as they finished their upstairs.

In the early 1980's "CODES" passed by elected "officials" were established for "safety and security of the community"

Some of it was the rest was to begin the process of Feudalism/Serfdom. Interest rates were 20% to "buy" a home cos building like our great grandparents mostly did reduced the VALUE of the existing structures. to be continued

I have more to write about this subject because as a GEN X'er I have have made observations over a lifetime and we have been on the programmed decline since I born.

to be cont.

Oh and to the Andrew Torba and younger Generation You want freedom and affordable housing?......TAKE almost EVERY "RULE" related to buying land and building on and roll it back 150 years. Then you will see CAPITALISM BOOM like has never been.

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