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Brier Hill Barn Theater
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Author:  djbh35 [ Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Brier Hill Barn Theater

Greetings, Uniontown residents.
My name is Mark Kleiner and I am a freelance writer and Pennsylvania native, currently living in Saskatoon SK where I am writing a book on the 1970s career of former Monkee Micky Dolenz. I am looking for information on the Brier Hill Barn Theater in general, and the September 1973 production of Neil Simon's STAR SPANGLED GIRL, starring Micky. I interviewed Micky yesterday about it and he could not confirm this series of performances -- so I am asking you if you can verify that this actually took place (from Sept 4 to 24, 1973)...any and all info would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Mark Kleiner

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