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Now "they" are after the guns....
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Author:  MIKEFROMUNIONTOWN [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Now "they" are after the guns....

The tradgedies in Conneticut and Colorado were so horrendous they are beyond reason for even the most borderline sane person. Yet "they" will use their "political capital" to try and disarm the American citizens. Look even the most cursory examination of History , such as Stalin and Mao, will show you that when a GOVERNMENT dosarms its citizens,it then Slaughters those that disagree with even the most heinous of the "new" laws of the land.

Look most people are good people in that they live and let live. Those that seek to IMPOSE their will on a FREE people are NOT to be trusted. Many know "they" are up to something/ There were more gun purchases in December 2012 than in the entire year of 2010!

The purpose of the gun according to our Forefathers, was to keep a "buffer" between a tyrannical government and a free citizenery. It also keeps the criminals at bay. and way down the list was hunting for dinner.

Most Americans love GOD love their children, their families and all things good.

Call and snail mail write your Senators, represenatives etc and tell them to support gun laws for free people.

One more thing the russians came up with the basis of the modern mental health system. OK Under stalin and lenin.

And "tests" were used under the guise of "mental health" to send those that disagreed with Communism to the Gulog.


Tell those you all elected to Congress to get out of the whorehouse and get into the churchhouse and repent and remember you serve GOD (one nation under GOD) and the american citizens not a GLOBAL GOVERNMENT.

THANK you LORD JESUS CHRIST for your blessings on a nation that needs you more than ever

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